Celebrate World Babushka Day
August 11th!

Sponsored by Dear Companion Publishing, the mission of this event is to raise awareness of Ukrainian grandmas, and all grandmas.

What is a babushka? An attractive head scarf worn for a variety of reasons. While it's most often worn by mature women, you're never too young to benefit from a babushka's magical properties.

What's Great About Babushkas

-They define you as a badass. Ukrainian Babas are known for being outspoken, wise, pragmatic, spiritually aware and multi-talented. One minute they're humbly stirring a pot of borshch, the next flinging their heels in a wild dance complete with passionate yelling.

-They function as carryalls for wild crafted herbs and fruit, act as slings and bandages, act as temporary dog and horse leads. Worn out babushkas are used to tie plants to supporting stakes.

-They're a fashionable way to protect your hair while performing worthwhile activities: working with kids and animals, walking outside on a windy day, gardening, painting/sculpting, working out, cooking, horseback riding.

NB: if your babushka stays on while making love, you're with the wrong partner!

-They make you look even more adorable. Nothing says, "Hug me," like a babushka. Unless it's the other part of the traditional Baba uniform: a tight cardigan buttoned only across the chest.


World Babushka Day is copyright 2014 Raisa Stone/Dear Companion Publishing. This text may be used only in relation to World Babushka Day, and must contain a link to bring readers to this page. Please use the social media buttons below to spread the love!
                                    You're never too young for a babushka.
Invaluable on horseback.
This is author Raisa Stone with her
step Baba and Tony the Pony.
World Babushka Day Activities

-Wear a babushka!

-In Eastern Europe, babushkas are synonymous with Baba (Grandma). Think of a special way to honour the Baba in your life: an outing, a gift, cooking for her or cleaning her home, a poem or story that lets her know how much you appreciate her.

-Get friends together to wear babushkas and snap photos. Show your creativity with fabric and knots. Post your photos on Flickr or Instagram, send us a link with permission to repost, and we'll post them!

-Snap a photo of your grandma in a babushka, and post it as above.

-Raise money or contribute to a fund that helps seniors. The need is great in Ukraine, where many seniors live on only $120 per month. Contact your nearest Ukrainian Cultural Centre or church to find out how to donate to social services.

-Honour the Ukrainian love for animals by volunteering at a shelter. They can usually use people to exercise, groom, or just visit with lonely animals. Please don't upset animals by making them wear babushkas. It affects their hearing, and is very disorienting.

-If you have no Baba, visit a seniors centre. Cook them a pot of borshch. Or, if you have a talent, entertain them. If you don't, ask them to tell you stories. Or both.
Baba's Kitchen: Ukrainian Soul Food got started by Raisa Stone listening to seniors.

Remember what Baba says:
If the babushka fits, wear it!

The proper wearing of babushkas, protecting hairdos on a windy day. Raisa's maternal Baba on far left, with her sisters. The one in the apron is a maverick with no babushka!

We'd rather see you wear a helmet on horseback, but a Baba's gotta do what she's gotta do!

Honour the Babas who may have no one else.
And this would be...a no.